
Natural Artistry

I often find myself asking if artistry is possibility in cooking. And then, for the second time, I watched this video:

I was nearly moved to tears.

I watched this presentation at Ferran Adrià's visit toToronto. It's from the DVD accompaniment to the Natura cookbook. Natura was authored by Albert Adrià, former Pastry Chef at elBulli (I've just heard he has left the elBulli team, a devastating blow to the restaurant).

I'm still a firm believer food is first and foremost a craft. However, it does have the ability to transcend boundaries and incite emotions. Although not an easy task, when it does happen artistry is achieved and a new level of cooking begins.


Unknown Tuesday, March 3, 2009 at 2:45:00 AM EST  

i love the fact that most of them seem like abstract sculpture

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