

The results are in and I've been accepted to every college I had applied for. I never really worried that I would not be accepted but it feels good to receive the letters and read the standard welcoming always printed bold letters.

To recap from this entry:

I always knew I wasn't going to attend Niagara College, I just threw it in there. It now comes down to the big two: GBC and Humber. Choosing the schools to apply to and completing the application process was the easy part now the real difficulty begins. I need to make a decision.

After next week I'll have toured both schools and have had an opportunity to speak with staff and students. I'll be doing a Pro vs. Con list as well as a SWOT analysis. This is going to be the most important academic decision I'll ever make.


Presea Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 8:20:00 AM EDT  

Congrats!!! ^_^ Good luck with the decision making process!

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