

Disney Pixar released a brilliant film this past summer, Ratatouille. It tells the tale of a rat in Paris, Remy, who dreams nothing but to be a chef. The film follows the adventures of Remy as he forms an unusual partnership with a garbage boy, Linguine, in a famous restaurant. Combined, the duo come together to create some of the most outstanding food in Paris.

I love Pixar films. I had first year about this film in early 2007 and anxiously awaited its release In June. I watched every trailer, preview, interview, and behind the scene featurette I could. Ratatouille came to theatres June 29th but a sneak peak viewing of the movie occurred two weeks earlier. I eagerly attended the sneak peak and adored movie, I haven't watched it since the viewing in the theatre but I recently received the DVD as a gift from a close friend.

I love the script, the characters, the attention to detail, and the food. The film shows the importance of following one's dreams and being true to ourselves. We have to do what we love and not give up on who or what we are. Shakespeare expressed this very simply as, "To thine own self be true."

When Pixar Studios create a movie they immerse themselves into the world of that movie as to do the characters and story justice. For this film animators were given cooking lessons and even worked in a restaurant. Chef Thomas Keller was also taken on as a consultant for the film and allows animators to work in his restaurant the French Laundry. The pinnacle dish in the film was created and stylized by Chef Keller which was then animated.

Upon hearing the news that Chef Keller had a part in the creating process I knew this film was to be special. Thomas Keller has been something of an idol to me ever since I first heard about the French Laundry and read about it in Michael Ruhlman's novel The Soul of a Chef. Keller has won numerous awards for his work at the French Laundry and the restaurant has been acclaimed by a wide array of people to be one of the top restaurants in the United States and even the world. I will dine there one day.

The film touches me on a personal level because I can see parallels with the story and my life. I'm working towards doing something I am passionate about. In the past it has felt like there were forces against me and hindering me. I've now accepted what/who I am and what I love. To thine own self be true...

Oh yeah, I also like the film because of this guy:
Horst, one bad ass Sous Chef. He's killed a man with his thumb.


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